Milostiv - Charity in Bulgaria :: Дарения 
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The activities of Organization Merciful are supported financially entirely by its members and through donations. Before publishing any request for assistance, we verify the case and, when possible, we meet the applicant personally. We publish requests almost daily and we make the beneficiaries’ bank accounts directly available.

The only year-round active cause, for which we appeal to donors to use the bank account of the Organization, is the annual initiative Charity Scholarships for disadvantaged young people interested in pursuing higher education ( The funds for the scholarships are raised entirely through private donors and companies. Until August 2024 have been donated more than 100 000 EUR for scholarships.

If you are interested and able to donate funds for the students, you could transfer any amount you choose to the Organization’s bank account, which is listed below. In case you are providing the full scholarship for one or more recipients, you could transfer the funds directly to the bank account of the student(s). As a donor, you could review the cover letters of the applicants and select which one you would like to support. We will assure the submission of the documents proving that the applicant is experiencing financial difficulties.

The organizers are volunteers working for free. All funds received in the Organization’s bank account are used only for the scholarships. No administrative fees or remunerations are withheld. In order to assure transparency on how your donations are utilized, all transactions of the Organization’s bank account are published in the table below.

We would appreciate your interest and ability to participate in order to help together more young people get educated, develop their talents, and live more fulfilled lives, thus contributing to our society and the world.

Bank Account на "SNC Milostiv"
IBAN: BG42STSA93001527774166
Bank: Банка ДСК
Description: Scholarship


Please note “Scholarship” in the description of the bank transfer or via PayPal (On the second page of making donations, please select option "Description / Описание за дарението" and write "Scholarship/Стипендия"), in order for us to know to which initiatives to direct the funds.

In addition to giving scholarships, the Charity assists donors of computers and laptops to provide the devices to Homes and Centers for children. Through May 2019, we assisted in the donation of 43 laptops, 232 computers and 196 monitors for children in such institutions (

On behalf of the children and young people whom we were able to help together even a little, we thank all donors whole-heartedly.

Support from the media

Large-scale corporate donors


Nikoleta Andreeva
Vladislav Mihov

Corporate donations

All financial donations and transactions

In the different tabs of the table, we publish the financial transactions related to the Charity scholarship for each academic year. The tab “Causes of Merciful” includes the rest of the transactions associated with membership fees of Organization Merciful or fund transfers not assigned by the donor specifically to the Charity scholarship as well as fees withheld by the bank. The information for the transactions is updated monthly.

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