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Translation of milostiv.org into English

Organizers: Milostiv (by idea of Desi Lambina)


Media: timeheroes.org

Project for translation from Bulgarian into English of personal websites of orphanages, homes for children with disabilities and Orthodox churches. With your support the information for causes, published in milostiv.org will reach more people. If you want to get involved in the translation, you can email us at milostiv.org@gmail.com stating the page, which you want to translate, so that we can update the table below.


Only for 4 days after the project start - 13 pages have been translated and the rest 11 pages are in process. The project is more than successful. We would like to thank to all volunteers that translated this information: Desi Lambina, Todor Lambin, Eliza Spasova, Nikola Valtchev, Elena Mihaylova, S. Atipova, Ivan Dimitrov, Assen Natchev, Elena Kirtcheva, Stoyana Mintcheva, Daria Manova, Bozhidara Zlatanova, Maria Ilieva, Mariela Vacheva and an anonymous translator.

Legend: HMRC - Home for Mentally Retarded Children, HCDPC - Homes for Children Deprived of Parental Care
Type Name Status Translator
orphanage: 3-6 years old HCDPC Rose - Zelenikovo vilage translated Desi Lambina
orphanage: 7-18 years old HCDPC Ivan Kiulev translated Desi Lambina
orphanage: 7-18 years old HCDPC Lyuba Teneva translated anonymous
orphanage: 7-18 years old HCDPC Milosardie (charity) translated anonymous
orphanage: 7-18 years old HCDPC Vasil Petleshkov translated Eliza Spasova
orphanage: 7-18 years old HCDPC Olga Skobeleva translated Nikola Valtchev
orphanage: 7-18 years old HCDPC Doganovo village translated Eliza Spasova
orphanage: 7-18 years old HCDPC Katya Vancheva translated Elena Mihaylova
orphanage: 7-18 years old HCDPC Dimcho Debelyanov translated S. Atipova
orphanage: 7-18 years old HCDPC Veliki Preslav translated Ivan Dimitrov
house for disadvantaged children HMRC Sunshine translated Todor Lambin
house for disadvantaged children HMRC Mihaltsi village translated Todor Lambin
house for disadvantaged children HMRC St. Dimitar translated Assen Natchev
house for disadvantaged children HMRC Nadejda (Hope) translated Elena Mihaylova
church Ss. Cyril and Methodius translated Elena Kirtcheva
church Holly Martyr St. Prokopii of Varna translated Stoyana Mintcheva
church St. Archangel Michael translated Daria Manova
church St. king Boris-Mihail I baptizer of Bulgaria translated Daria Manova
church St Stefan translated Bozhidara Zlatanova
church Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary translated Maria Ilieva
church Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary translated Maria Ilieva
Milostiv Page "Useful Links" in milostiv.org translated Mariela Vacheva
Milostiv page "Projects" (excluding the table) in milostiv.org translated Mariela Vacheva
Milostiv Page "FAQ" in milostiv.org translated S. Atipova

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