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Gathering information about orphanages and nursing homes

Organizers: Milostiv and foundation Kids Care

Period: 10.03.2013 - current

Media: timeheroes.org, ngobg.info, causes.bg

We are gathering information about Orphanages , Homes for children with special needs and Nursing Homes, which will be used for creating personal web pages for each of them (if you want to see one of the pages which we have created so far, please click here).

The aim of the project is using this information to draw the attention of people, organizations and companies which are willing to help the children and the elderly people in those homes. This way we hope to help the homes both materially and with different initiatives which will enrich their lives.

If you want to help you can visit some of those homes and ask the director to provide the following information (or at least part of it):
If you want to join the initiative you can pick a home by clicking HERE

This is a cooperative project of Milostiv and Kids Care Foundation

We would like to thank Nikola Mandov for translating this whole page in English.


Bellow you can see the volunteers who signed up so far and the number of homes for which we gather information.

Statistics of the gathered information so far:

Closed [has information] - 46
Closed - 36
More infomrmation is required - 50
In a process of information gathering - 23
There is additional information - 25

Благодарим от сърце на следните доброволци, които се включиха до този момент: Борис Глушков, Радослав Кирков, Маруся Петрова, Теодора Стефанова, Nina Litvinenko, Елица Литвиненко, Александра Стефчева, Александър Василев, Ани Начева, Съни Таскова, Калина Кънчева, Атанаска Маринова, Bistra Slavkova, БИЛЯНА КЛИСУРОВА, Веселина Корцанова, Мария Новакова, Анна Димитрова, Мария Шехинова, Юммюш Ени, Цветанка Цачева, Марияна Николова, Мария Желязкова, Виктория Милошева, Нина Панчева, Веселин Георгиев, Стефан Мирчев, Мария Ченкова, Васка Глушкова, Елена Димитрова, Пламен Мичев, pimento pimento, steliyana filipova, Krasimira Marinova, Петя Чолакова, Dobrina Baycheva, Цветомила Първанова, Ваня Крачолова, Христина Димитрова, petai delcheva, orhan mitrev, Деси Драгнева, Божанка Караиванова

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